Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 13th already?!

So it’s already mid-November. Where does the time go? Reflecting on this past year, it’s been an interesting one to say the least. I finally got the courage up to trust someone only to find out I trusted the wrong person. Life’s little lessons … it would be nice if there were read ahead materials available. But I guess it wouldn’t work out too well so we just roll on and live it!

We had an awesome vacation to Florida, to include a surprise Disney World Day for Kelsey. She was shocked ~ which honestly might have been one of the major highlights. There was also the air boat swamp tour. So awesome!

Fast forward to the new school year. 4th grade. Already?! What the… how does this happen? I remember my grandparents putting their hands on my head telling me to put a brick on my head so I would stop growing, and I always thought they were so silly. Man I miss them now.

Kelsey has a new friend, E. They are best friends…right now. They were both “in love” with the same boy, Lee. I had to teach that lesson, boys shouldn’t come before your friends. But she’s 9, so I’m sure it will happen again.

And somehow, they were “boyfriend/girlfriend” despite my hard, steadfast rule of no dating till she is 30. What gives! I have to say there are days when Kelsey’s selfishness bugs me but I know she is 9. In her mind,everything should revolve around her. But then, you see these glimpses of such a huge heart. E’s mother is around about once a year. She lives with her dad and her sister, and it’s not the best of circumstances. The school has a choir program for kids in grades 4-6 and Kels wanted to join. So did E, but she didn’t have the $8 to get the shirt. Kelsey spotted her the money she needed to get her own shirt. I so love that little one!!!

And now all I can think about is Christmas shopping. I can’t believe Christmas is in just over a month!!! Did I say where does the time go? If

not, I meant to! J So who all do I need to buy for, are we going to do a white elephant in the Fun Bunch? I figure I still need to find my niece and nephew something, but what? Ages 1 and 2 ~ what to do? Then there is Miss Kels…I have her something she wants (blanket and pillow set from Kirkland’s of all places), something she needs (Lush bath gift set, could be a want also LOL!) but I still need to get the play with and read. Then there is the Santa gift, and I am totally stumped on that one!!!

I’ve spent this last week in California at an e-learning conference. I have learned quite a bit, but honestly I still feel slightly stupid when it comes to much of the technology I deal with. I’m hoping that

I’m smarter than I think I am, but who knows! The weather here though, is wonderful. I was slightly jealous that when we got into California last Friday, it was raining here, and over 70* back home! Cest la vie! J The scenery here ~ is just gorgeous! I really do like Kansas, but wow, there is just about everything here. It’s breathtaking. I am sure my pictures don’t do it justice to say the least.

My internal time clock is still very messed up. It’s 10pm here, midnight at home and I’m finally not tired at 7. But I should turn in so thank you for reading along. God bless and be kind to people. Enjoy your family, because life is short.